Masaka city tycoon and gold fraudster busted in Najjanankumbi over forgery

Masaka city tycoon Lwasa arrested

Latest coming in, the Uganda Police force on Monday 4 April confirmed the arrest of a city socialite, businessman, and a Masaka city tycoon in Najjanankumbi.

Lwasa Emmanuel Kaweesi, popularly known as Lwasa, has been in the headlines after the breakup of Dianah Nabatanzi, Angel Kwankunda, and the Chinese scam, and the latest coming in is a forgery.

Earlier yesterday, rumors were surrounding his arrest but later a police statement was released by Luke Owoyesigire which seemed to have settled the rumors and it read: 

“Lwasa forged the signatures of Ag. Director Geological Survey and Mines (Ag.D/GSM) Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development Mrs. Alaba Agnes and Ms. Grace Lajwe Principal Chemist Directorate of Geological survey and mines (DGSM)”.

Police reported that the fraud was intended to run transactions between his two companies Trade panel International Limited and Trans Equator Miners Limited.

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